n. 1. Of, relating to, or being a logarithmic function with a normal distribution. 2. occasional musings, projects, and such ("blog posts") by Steve Myles (a.k.a. some guy from Texas).
2010/11/08 People I've met at INFORMS 2010
2010/11/07 Pictures and a brief discussion of the Social Networking and OR panel
2010/11/07 I'm at INFORMS 2010 in Austin
2010/10/11 Madame Curious is coming to visit me
2009/11/21 Some Turbo Pascal procedures I wrote in high school computer science class
2008/02/29 Some colleagues and I presented at the Wharton Financial Institutions Center's Contact Center Forum 2008
2007/11/06 My MS research was presented at INFORMS Seattle 2007
2007/10/30 I co-authored two presentations given at INFORMS Seattle 2007
2006/07/12 Programs that write one-step transition matrices and compute the equilibrium probabilities of Markov chains using Jacobi iteration
2006/07/10 A tic tac toe game I coded for my Cognitive Engineering class in graduate school